Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kailyn Brianna Update 09

This is just a brief update on Miss Kailyn Brianna:

She is about to be 3 in april, talking in almost full sentences. She has been exited for her birthday since before x-mas.. She is so witty sometimes it reminds me of a younger me. Like when She called her Uncle Adam for his B-day and while leaveing a message I promted her to say " happy Birthday Uncle Adam, Miss you". She said this with ease, then added, Nin's Dirthday is coming too!!!

Kailyn refers to herself as "Nin" It's rather cute. I just hope she knows her real name is Kailyn, almost positive she knows that.

Other than that, Kai is all singed up for Pre-School with a start date in Sep 09. She is so exited to have new Buddies to play and learn with.

I will post again ASAP
